Development & Growth Strategy

During the recent times of external flux and economic challenges, bpha has continued to demonstrate that it is a secure, long-term business providing quality homes and services for customers across our operating area.

This strategic planning approach helps us to ensure that our strategy is aligned with our financial planning.

Our Development and Growth Strategy which was approved by Board in September 2023 was developed against a backdrop of continuing high need for genuinely affordable, safe and energy-efficient homes across our operating area. The strategy recognises that that well managed growth will  enhance services for our customers and will support bpha’s long term financial performance. Also, that effective regeneration will contribute to the success of our existing communities.

The strategy points toward ‘Routes to Market’, including s106 and package deals, Local Authority Partnerships, Joint Ventures and potential Investment Partnerships. Redevelopment of existing assets through regeneration is also a key element of our Development and Growth Strategy.

The Development and Growth Strategy will support our Corporate Strategy, targeted for publication in the Spring which focus on four priorities of:

  • Delivering Quality and Value to Customers
  • Helping to Make Places and Build Communities
  • Creating a Sustainable Future
  • Putting People at the Heart of what we do